From all of us at GES we wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!
9 months ago, Josh Smith
Happy Thanksgiving
**REMINDER** Early Release today November 22nd, 2023. Students are dismissed at 12:30 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. No School on Thursday November 23rd or 24th. We welcome all students back on November 27th, 2023.
9 months ago, Josh Smith
Early Dismissal
Thanksgiving break
**REMINDER** Early Release Day tomorrow November 22nd, 2023. Students are dismissed at 12:30 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. No School on Thursday November 23rd or 24th. We welcome all students back on November 27th, 2023.
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Early Dismissal
**Reminder** Thanksgiving Meal with students will take place on Thursday November 16th, 2023. Lunch mod times are listed on the attached flyer. Please remember that you needed to pre register for this event. We are looking forward to seeing our families tomorrow.
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Thanksgiving 1
Last month Mindy Johnson attended a national workshop learning about math pedagogy, best practices and strategies, building a math community, students’ math identity, coaching, and much much more. Training is a vital part of maintaining highly qualified staff.
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Mindy 3
Mindy 2
Mindy 1
Neon Dance Party ! As part of our whole school PBIS initiatives to promote positive school wide behaviors the students of GES danced there way into a long weekend last week. Our students continue to SOAR!
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Neon 8
Neon 7
Neon  5
Neon 4
Neon 3
Neon 2
Neon 1
**REMINDER** No School tomorrow Thursday November 9th, 2023 or Friday November 10th, 2023. We will welcome students back to school on Monday November 13th, 2023.
10 months ago, Josh Smith
School 2
School 1
Mrs. Ladd's 5th grade star student presentations continue to showcase students. What a great opportunity to demonstrate multiple grade level competencies. Meet Kyra , who originally hails from Washington State . How lucky we are to have gained this student! Great Job on your Star Student presentation!
10 months ago, Josh Smith
*REMINDER* Veterans Day Performance tomorrow November 8th, 2023. For more information please see the attached flyer for more details. Click Here:
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Picture Retakes on Monday November 13th, 2023. This is for any student who missed picture day or would like retakes. Students requesting retakes must bring in their old pictures on that day. Any questions, please call the school. Click here for Flyer:
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Picture Retakes
One of Mrs. Ladd's 5th Graders during their presentation for Star Student. Great job Hunter!
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Hunter Star Student
Are you looking for Groveton Apparel? Look no further. With our ongoing partnership with Blackline printing we are excited to provide this opportunity to our community. Orders will be in before the holiday season! Link to Online Store
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Mrs. Wells first grade students have been exploring patterns in math class. They created this quilt and they worked with it all last week, counting by 5's, finding out how many starfish legs are on the quilt, and more! Her class LOVES making learning fun with crafts and hands-on projects!
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Lets start the week off by celebrating a few of our students. Pictured are three of Mrs. Ladd's 5th graders, who achieved milestones in their lives. Evan has just been promoted to Middle School band at GHS and Lucas and William became the first two 5th graders to show mastery in multiplication and division (facts 0-12’s) and are now doing Mad Minutes simplifying fractions. Congratulations!
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Lucas Evan William
Veterans Day Performance Information Please see the attached flyer for more details. Click Here:
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Veterans Day Flyer
**REMINDER** Don't forget to turn those clocks back this weekend. November 5th end daylight saving time.
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Clocks image
**IMPORTANT** Basketball Season is approaching, please mark your calendars for the upcoming start of our 2023-24 Basketball Season. More information in the Flyer. Click her for Flyer:
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Basketball Flyer
The weather has certainly changed over the last few weeks and we feel like "Old Man" winter has just about arrived. In an effort to promote as much outside time as possible please remember that students need to have the proper gear to go outside. We are well past sweatshirt weather and have moved into Jackets at the very least, with snow pants, hats, mittens, and boots coming not to far behind. Please send you child to school with layered options as we prepare to change seasons. Once it snows students need to have snow pants, boots, jackets, hats, and mittens in order to play in the snow. If you are having a tough time securing the proper gear for your child please contact the school so we can provide some assistance to you.
10 months ago, Josh Smith
Cold Weather
**REMINDER** Bookfair tonight 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, come check it out, lots of cool stuff!
10 months ago, Josh Smith
bookfair 2
bookfair 3
bookfair 4
November Activity Calendar Link to flyer:
10 months ago, Josh Smith
November Activity Calendar