What an incredible first week it has been at Groveton Elementary School! From meeting new friends to reconnecting with familiar faces, we've had a week full of excitement, learning, and fun. Classroom Adventures: Our students have jumped right into their studies, exploring new subjects, asking questions, and engaging in hands-on activities. It's amazing to see the curiosity and enthusiasm! Creative Projects: Art classes are already bursting with creativity! The hallways are starting to fill with colorful and inspiring artwork created by our talented students. Staying Active: Recess and PE classes have been a blast! The playgrounds are alive with energy, and our students are showing off their athletic skills and team spirit. Healthy Meals: Lunchtime has been a great opportunity to enjoy healthy meals together and practice good habits in our cafeteria. Our kitchen staff is doing a fantastic job keeping everyone nourished and ready to learn! Community Spirit: We’ve felt the strong sense of community as staff, students, and families come together to support one another. Thank you for making our first week so successful and memorable!
3 days ago, Josh Smith
First week
Tomorrow, Friday, August 30th, is an early release day. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will still be provided to all students before dismissal. Also, there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor Day. We hope everyone enjoys the long weekend!
3 days ago, Josh Smith
Early Dismissal
Co-Curricular Vacancies Groveton Middle/High School Middle School Co-Ed Soccer Coach For more information please contact Kelley Brown at k_brown@sau58.org
6 days ago, School Administrative Unit 58
Co-Curricular Vacancies Groveton Middle/High School Middle School Co-Ed Soccer Coach  For more information please contact Kelley Brown at k_brown@sau58.org
We are beyond proud to share the incredible achievement of our talented Groveton dancers who recently competed in the prestigious World Dance Championship in New Jersey at the end of July! Against fierce competition from 20 other dance teams representing 7 different countries, our girls showcased their passion, dedication, and hard work on a global platform. Their amazing performance earned them a third place finish, making their hometown and school community exceptionally proud! These young dancers not only represented Groveton but also showed the world what small-town spirit and determination can achieve. Let’s give them a huge round of applause for their outstanding accomplishment! Check out these pictures capturing their unforgettable moments on stage.
13 days ago, Josh Smith
Dance 2
Dance 1
2024-25 WW Berry Transportation Bus Route Information Click Link : https://5il.co/2u0or Just a reminder to reach out the bus company directly with any specific questions or to sign up a new student for pick up/drop off.
13 days ago, Josh Smith
Bus Routes
Welcome Back, GES Families! We're excited to kick off another fantastic year at Groveton Elementary School! As we gear up for the first day, we want to remind you of a few important updates: Date Changes: Please take note of some key changes to our school calendar. August 30th changed from No School to Early Dismissal Day. November 27th changed from No School to Early Dismissal Day. Early Dismissal Update: Starting this year, early dismissal will be at 11:30 AM instead of 12:30 PM. We understand that this is a shift, so please plan accordingly. Rest assured, all students will still receive lunch before dismissal. Arrival Times: If your child would like breakfast, please have them arrive by 7:35 AM. For those not needing breakfast, arrival time is 7:45 AM. Capture the Moment: We know how special the first day of school is, and we welcome families to take pictures and capture these memories! While family members are welcome to join us for these special moments, we kindly ask that all adults remain outside of the building. We understand that some situations may require exceptions, and we are happy to work with families on a case-by-case basis. Dismissal Procedures: To ensure the safety and accountability of our youngest students, we stagger our dismissal as follows: - Bus students will be dismissed first at 2:35 pm - Next, students in grades K-2 will be dismissed at 2:37pm. - Finally, students in grades 3-5 will be dismissed 2:39 pm. We can't wait to see all your smiling faces soon. Let's make this school year the best one yet!
13 days ago, Josh Smith
first day starts soon
Position openings: The York Foundation is seeking volunteers for the following voting members of the committee: Parent of a child attending school within the Northumberland School District. Resident voter of the Northumberland School District. These positions are voting members of the committee who evaluate submitted requests, review presentations, and vote to approve or decline. The committee meets approximately four times per year (extra meetings if needed), typically at 4:30pm - usually third Tuesday of the month beginning September 17th at Groveton High School - 65 State Street, Groveton, NH 03582. Copy of the trust agreement is available upon request. Any interested parties should contact Tina Lunderville - t_lunderville@sau58.org
23 days ago, School Administrative Unit 58
York Foundation Position Openings  - text version in post
Hello SAU 58 families! We are excited about the upcoming school year. Please find a welcome back letter at this link: https://5il.co/2t8vm Enjoy the remainder of your summer!
24 days ago, Anne Landry
Please find the attached Welcome Back Letter for the 2024-25 school year. Lots of important information is contained within. We can't wait to see all students and families on August 27th, 2024 for the first day of school. 20 days and counting! Enjoy the last of Summer! Link : https://5il.co/2t549
25 days ago, Josh Smith
Important Update: We have some disappointing news regarding our school's CEP status. Please read the attached letter for more information. Your support and understanding are greatly appreciated during this time. Link: https://5il.co/2slp3
about 1 month ago, Josh Smith
CEP Letter
Good Afternoon Families and Staff, The 24-25 calendar has been updated, please find the revised version in your email, attached, or at this link: https://5il.co/2sk4s Enjoy your summer!
about 1 month ago, Anne Landry
2024_2025 Final Calendar
Hiring Paraeducators!
2 months ago, SAU 58
WE want paraeduactors contact michelle mason at m_mason@sau58.org or apply on schoolspring.com
Notice of Destruction of Special Education Records
2 months ago, SAU 58
Notice of destruction of special education records
Reminder the last day of school is offically June 14th, 2024, with a 12:30 dismissal time. Click for Flyer: https://5il.co/2ms1z
3 months ago, Josh Smith
Last Day of School
**REMINDER** 2024 Field Day and BBQ is tomorrow Monday June 10th,2024. Click on Flyer for More Information : https://5il.co/2ms3u
3 months ago, Josh Smith
Field Day
This summer, ensure your children stay healthy and happy with free nutritious meals! Local schools, community centers, and non-profit organizations are providing lunch, and snacks for kids under 18. No registration or proof of income required – just show up and enjoy! Click for Flyer : https://5il.co/2nw1l
3 months ago, Josh Smith
Summer meals
The Northumberland School Board meetings will begin live streaming this coming Tuesday 6/11/24. Visit www.youtube.com/@sau58youtube to view the stream.
3 months ago, School Administrative Unit 58
2024 Field Day and BBQ Information. Click on Flyer for More Information : https://5il.co/2ms3u
3 months ago, Josh Smith
Field Day
**Informational** June Activities Calendar for GES Click Link : https://5il.co/2mrv9
3 months ago, Josh Smith
June Activities
Mark you Calendars, the last day of school is offically June 14th, 2024, with a 12:30 dismissal time. Click for Flyer: https://5il.co/2ms1z
3 months ago, Josh Smith
Last Day of School