**REMINDER** Happy Winter Break . No School February 26th - March 1st. We welcome student back to school on Monday March 4th, 2024. Enjoy the break!
6 months ago, Josh Smith
winter break
Session 2 of enrichment in Mrs. Wells Grade 1 classroom, invited students to try out ways to make the bridge they had built in Session 1 more stable. After attempt #1 with popsicle sticks about an inch apart, the bridge held 7 washers before collapsing. The students pushed the popsicle sticks together and tried again. After attempt #2, the bridge held 11 washers. The students thought maybe adding a second layer of popsicle sticks would help the bridge hold more weight. The bridge held 9 washers for the last attempt. The students wondered if the added weight of the second layer of popsicle sticks caused the bridge to collapse with less washers. Tune in next time to see more creative engineering problem solving here at GES! #roarandsoar
6 months ago, Josh Smith
Wells pic
Star Student Presentations n Grade 5 Last week we learned that Makayla loved to travel and has been to all the New England states and as far west as California and Washington states. She is very crafty and loves stars and sparkles! She was an awesome Star Student
6 months ago, Josh Smith
Star Student
SPIRIT WEEK starts Monday!!! Please click in the link to view 2024 Winter Spirit Week Dress up days, scheduled for February 19th through 23rd. Click Link: https://5il.co/2ekib
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Spirit Week
**REMINDER** Winter Break is fast approaching. No School February 26th - March 1st. We welcome student back to school on Monday March 4th, 2024. Enjoy the break!
7 months ago, Josh Smith
winter break
LOST AND FOUND ALERT!! Missing any winter gear? We have a lost and found area that is filling up fast. If you recognize any of this clothing please contact the school to get your items back.
7 months ago, Josh Smith
lost 4
lost 3
lost 2
lost 1
Are you thinking of a family vacation next year? Are you trying to plan and book that precious time with family or travel to someplace warm? Here is the approved 2024-25 School calendar. Please notice, April break has shifted a week. Link: https://5il.co/2ekj4
7 months ago, Josh Smith
2024-25 School Calendar
**REMINDER** Title One Family Math Night and Spaghetti Dinner tomorrow night Click on the link for more information. Link: https://5il.co/2e6g6
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Title One math night
Like to plan ahead? So do we! Please click in the link to view 2024 Winter Spirit Week Dress up days, scheduled for February 19th through 23rd. Click Link: https://5il.co/2ekib
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Spirit Week
**REMINDER** Title One Family Math Night and Spaghetti Dinner Click on the link for more information. Link: https://5il.co/2e6g6
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Title One math Night
We are beyond grateful to announce that all lunch bills at Groveton Elementary School have been paid off, thanks to the incredible generosity of an anonymous donor! This act of kindness has lifted a significant burden off the shoulders of many families in our community, ensuring that every child can enjoy nutritious meals without any financial worry, especially now that all students eat free as of February 1st, 2024. To our anonymous donor, though your identity remains a mystery to us, your impact is crystal clear and deeply appreciated. Your generosity has touched the lives of each and every student and family at our school, spreading hope and joy throughout our halls. We are overwhelmed with gratitude for your selfless gesture. Your kindness has not only filled our hearts with warmth but has also reminded us of the power of compassion and community support. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for making a difference in the lives of our students and families. Your generosity will forever be cherished and remembered. #GrovetonStrong #CommunityKindness #Gratitude
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Thank you
**REMINDER** Early Release Day tomorrow, Thursday February 8th, 2024. Students are dismissed at 12:30 pm.
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Mrs. Lamberts kindergartners are having so much fun learning to measure with nonstandard units! We are learning how to line up objects with the endpoint, determining longer/shorter, and greater than/less than. They are even mastering making the greater than and less than sign correctly!
7 months ago, Josh Smith
k 11
A couple of our GES students showcasing their talents throughout New England. Great job girls, keep up the hard work and dedication required to compete in these dance competitions. Continue to SOAR!
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Dance 2
Dance 1
Title One Family math Night and Spaghetti Dinner Click on the link for more information. Link: https://5il.co/2e6g6
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Title One math Night
5th Grade STAR Student Presentations continue to showcase out 5th graders! Last week we learned that Aubree loves the Boxcar Children Book series, basketball, and has been lucky to do some traveling out of the New England area like going to Washington, DC and Virginia. She also brought in a nice collection of sport trophies and medals! Great job Aubree!
7 months ago, Josh Smith
**REMINDER** Early Release Day Thursday February 8th, 2024. Students are dismissed at 12:30 pm.
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Early Dismissal
On Friday afternoons, Mrs. Croteau and Mrs. Wells 1st grade split the classrooms up for some math fun and exploration. This week, they have been working on 3D shapes and the workplaces were full of challenges! All of the workplaces have students putting different shapes together to make a new shape. Great experiential learning mixed with some multi sensory math concepts.
7 months ago, Josh Smith
February Activity Calendar Click Link for Flyer: https://5il.co/2duq8
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Students have been earning "inchy" coins by completing a book review. Inchy coins allow the students to choose a book from our book vending machine as part of our reading initiatives. Here are the first two - Payton in grade 2 and Grayson in grade 4
7 months ago, Josh Smith
Pic 2
Pic 1